Starbuck’s Verismo Coffee Maker Review and Operation

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See how long it takes to make a cup of coffee with the Starbucks Verismo 600 Coffee Maker. The only place I know to buy the coffee pods is at Bed Bath and Beyond Store or Starbuck’s Web Page. I love this machine, it makes an excellent cup of coffee.


7531monkey says:

The new one is even better.

Saint Rude says:

So, it only uses Starbuck's coffee pods?

debbiez112 says:

I bet it does make a good cup of coffee. Will is work will all pods or just Starbucks and can you use a permanent filter or do you have to use the disposable pods? I have a friend that has a Keurig and she uses a pod like permanent filter and adds her own coffee to help cut the cost of the convenience.

supv3003 says:

Seems to produce a cup of coffee quickly. Looks easy to clean too. ☕☕☕

OldManCooking says:

Nice Review Michael.. did you have a keurig before? That is what I got … I do like to stop by Starbucks occasionally to get a way over priced cup of great coffee tho…. I like 🙂

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