Review: Starbucks Verismo 580 Single Serve Espresso and Coffee machine

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WHERE to BUY Starbucks Verismo StarbucksStore: Amazo…


may poblete says:

thank you so much for this…very thorough and helpful

Tim Ertz says:

I have a Verismo that I got after the holidays this year. I wish the milk
frothed a little better, but I find the taste of both brewed and espresso
MUCH better than Keurig. I also MUST say that the host of the video is a
champ. Great job! 

emily hughs says:

I am currently using the keurig platinum to create a shot of coffee then
using an aerolatte to foam my milk to create a latte (I am very dedicated
to having a good cup of coffee!!!). I’ve noticed my latte is a bit watery.
Do you think I will have a better latte if I buy the verismo? Or will I not
notice a huge difference in the quality of the coffee.

Nadia Herod says:

I got mine for Christmas from baby and onky used it twice and loved it!

Tom Doe says:

It’s button not but on

Thomas Rojas says:

Hello! I had a simple question, I was wondering if you could press the
coffee button while the coffee is brewing in order to make it stop in order
to just get the amount you need or you just get the same amount every time
you make coffee? Thanks! 

Finn Evans says:

Great machine x

Igor Del Norte says:

Exclusive Review: Starbucks Verismo 580

Darrin Rich says:

I want to get one of these

NICU Mahdi says:

hot ;)

donandaaron says:

Tried a sample in store no comparison to the nespresso gran maestria
machine that i already own although the Verismo is one quarter the price.
Build quality felt cheap and the powdered milk was tasted barfy. I thought
the whole idea of Starbucks is for someone else to make my coffee for me? I
don’t find their coffee good enough to drink at home anyway.

A. David Imperial says:

don’t get me wrong.. it’s good info but it is not a review..

Monica Bonilla says:

Great,thank you so much! I got this for Christmas and excited to use it.
Can you make some videos including the flavored syrups they have. I don’t
know how much to use, I got the vanilla syrup also. Would be great to know
how to make different flavored lattes!

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Got it :). Enjoy your cup,

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Thanks :). Enjoy your cup,

Violet Lam says:

I wish all of starbucks have your video demo of you sit right besides of
the coffee machine instead of Barista

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Will do soon. Enjoy your cup,

Amy Griffin says:

Thank you Brian!!! Have a chance to purchase this at a really great deal,
and watching this helped me so much in understanding how it worked and if I
really like it…I’m buying one, again thank you so much!! Cheers!!

strife01104 says:

Price? Also will you do a standard side by side with their competition?

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

580 cost around $199. Regarding which one is better please check out our
comparison “Starbucks Verismo 580 vs Verismo 585”. Enjoy your cup,

K Stanford says:

Phillips Senso HD Latte machine + coffee duck filter OR perfect pod machine
= Game Over! Say FU to lucrative pod business. You can make your own pods
now save money.

bandroidx says:

Now i am stuck between this and the CBTL machines, can you recommend one
over the other?

bandroidx says:

which model do you have? They are sold out of every single one on their
website :/

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Thank you. Enjoy your cup,

PB&J says:

Nice mustache tattoo lmfao

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Thank you for comment. Unfortunately Senseo HD not available in US some
reason :(. Enjoy your cup,

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Thank you. See our exclusive recipes with Verismo as well :). Enjoy your

STowsley1 says:

Very helpful video… got me up and running with my new machine also
cleared up the need to rinse before brewing. Thanks. (P.S.– you’re
over-pronounicng the work “button”…:)

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Dropped to the collection tray. Enjoy your cup,

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

This is the best time to buy new machine with this discount. Yes we think
Verismo Pods cost a little more. Enjoy your cup,

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Indeed. Getting there Brian :).

John Rivas says:

Tried the verismo at a local store and I have the CBTL. Gotta say I like my
CBTL better. Even though I can’t make froth milk from my CBTL, I prefer to
froth fresh milk for my lattes 🙂

MrHeca2 says:

Thank u so much my mom got this for valentines and you really helped us
understand the machine

Denis Lara says:

wait… it only makes that much?????

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Great. Enjoy your cup,

egringo says:

ALDI Expressi, google it, u gonna pay only 79 bucks and is the same
machine, without Starbucks LOGO. And this machine is from 2011. Not brand
new as the guy says

Jared Sparks says:

Mustache Tattoo!! Love it!

Gidra1971 says:

Heaps of different casuals

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Published :). Please see our channel. Enjoy your cup,

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Thanks :). Enjoy your cup,

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

I would stay with one mug only :). Enjoy your cup,

mcrgerardway923 says:

my verismo fills my cup and then some, which really bugs me because I end
up wasting some of the coffee, and the pods, as you say, are quite
expensive. I’ve used the biggest cup size that will fit, but it just keeps
pouring. Is there a reason and solution for this?

Grenades81 says:

Can you refill the pods? I was worried that with a small sellection I’ll
get bored. I saw people reusing their Keurig cups and wanted to know if
anyones tried.

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Unfortunately you can’t. Enjoy your cup,

clarkkentnaruto says:

Thanks for the information. What is the price range that I can expect to
get the machine itself? Also, which kind of Verismo machine is the best
buy? Thanks for your help.

stansarproductionz says:

whats the model name mate?

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

We have review for it as well :). Enjoy your cup,

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

Great comment. Thanks. Enjoy your cup,

jenny fromtheblog says:

Thank you! This video is exactly what I needed after getting the Verismo
for Christmas. I hate reading owner manuals…this was helpful! 🙂

Aromacup - Single Serve Coffee says:

As of today CBTL has more varieties of Pods. But you can use CBTL and
Verismo pods in both machines. Enjoy your cup,

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