A reading by acclaimed author Davis Bunn from his new Miramar Bay title, ‘The Cottage on Lighthouse Lane’. Read from his home at Blenheim Palace, UK. Films that were shot here: James Bond (Spectre), Mission Impossible (Rogue Nation), Downton Abbey… ABOUT THE BOOK Billy Walker is a North Carolina boy whose Hollywood star is beginning to shine. His rough past is in the rear view. Now seeing the world from the back seat of a limousine, Billy has no regrets about what he had to do, and the choices he made, to get there. But all it takes is one [More]
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We invite you to join us for a C.S. Lewis College webinar featuring best-selling author Davis Bunn. We ask Mr. Bunn about his writing, career, faith, and the importance of storytelling. For information on future webinars, visit www.cslewiscollege.org/webinar. For information on in-person events, please visit www.cslewis.org. About Davis Bunn Davis Bunn’s novels have sold in excess of eight million copies in twenty-four languages. He has appeared on numerous national bestseller lists, and his titles have been Main or Featured Selections with every major US bookclub. In the past twelve months, Davis has had multiple titles featured as ‘top picks’ and [More]