And now for something completely different! As you may have noticed, I have been doing a fair bit of experimentation with birefringence, and in the process I have stumbled on an exciting new way to use crystals to make a unique kind of art. Check out the article on my blog, where you will find links related to this stream – Have you seen my new workhorse lens in the studio? The awesome 90mm f/2.8 Laowa 2X macro lens – perfect for super sharp focus stacking and a lovely piece of gear. Pop over to my sponsor, B&H Photography [More]
Hi my dear Cart Poolers!! I use the Havells Crystal 600 watts Tea and Coffee maker in my kitchen everyday! This video is a review of it. This video is not sponsored or a Collaboration in any shape or form! This is purely out of my experience. Hope you found this video informative! Product link: Enjoy!! See you all soon! Love. Instagram: @cartpooling DM me at Facebook: #Havells #TeaAndCoffeeMaker #HavellsCrystal #HavellsCrystalTeaAndCoffeeMaker
How to obtain tons of Kief THC crystal from your bud buster.
Havells Crystal Tea Coffee Maker Demo video, to help you know better about the product, features and how does it work.