​​​Watch our product feature video for a Vintage Cory Coffee Vacuum Pot Maker.
It’s about people, fun, music, and great coffee! Well so are we!! Hunter Pence, Lexi, Cory Gearrin and his fiance Maddi review Dutch Bros. Coffee and it’s secret menu. Check it out! –Watch More Videos– Hunter Pence & Lexi do the MTV Challenge: http://bit.ly/2lVFOOF 6 Things To Do When You’re Bored: http://bit.ly/2mD9FzT 5 Best Places to Eat in Houston: http://bit.ly/2ncldqi SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A PIÑA: http://bit.ly/2kHJMdV Follow the Socials! Cory Gearrin Instagram- instagram.com/corygearrin Twitter- twitter.com/coryGearrin Maddi Reynolds Instagram- instagram.com/madditravels Lexi: Instagram – https://instagram.com/letsgetlexi/ Twitter – https://twitter.com/letsgetlexi Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Letsgetlexi/ Twitch – http://www.twitch.tv/letsgetlexi Hunter: Instagram: https://instagram.com/hunterpence/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/hunterpence Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hunterpence8 Twitch: [More]
These old vacuum coffee pots make great coffee and are fun to watch! We just learned about them a couple of years ago and thought we’d turn you on to how they work. We’ll be putting it up for sale on that auction site…you know….