I was asked if I could clean up this tank to turn it into a display for a coffee shop that is near opening. I said I would be glad to do it. I dipped it in the acid bath to do a quick job. I did scrub it down a little before hand to get some of the caked on espresso residue off. I didn’t get it all but I got 99% of it. For those of you concerned about safety I was wearing a full face shield and obviously a protective glove. I also had a 5 gallon [More]
Gaggia espresso machine mod preheat copper 1/4 tube and add Over pressure valve, modification d’une machine a espresso gaggia avec un tube de préchauffage en cuivre 1/4 et installation d’une valve pour limiter la pression a 9 bar (150psi)
Starting the day with a cup of Aroma Craft Coffee’s Specialty Blend: Morning Dawn http://www.aromacraftcoffee.com