So Easy To Make, Yet So Good To Eat with Cometeer Coffee – Check out this delicious coffee cake and what better way to enjoy it then with some coffee! For a limited time, you can get $20 off your first purchase (plus free shipping) when you use my code “AB20” at Coffee Cake Ingredients: Cake: 1 Egg 1/4 cup Oil (Vegetable or Canola) 1 tsp. Vanilla 3/4 cup Sugar 1/2 cup Milk 1/4 tsp Salt 2 tsp Baking Powder 1 1/2 cups Flour Streusel: 2 tbsp Butter 1/2 cup Brown Sugar 2 tsp Cinnamon 2 T Flour Icing: [More]
It’s so exciting to see products like this getting more and more popular, looking forward to seeing what Cometeer does next! Learn more about Cometeer here: What do you think about instant coffee? Or frozen coffee? Or this little combination, that’s somewhere in between? Note: I have no relationship to Cometeer besides being sent product without any expectation of a review. P.S… I’m going to Italy next year and you can join me! Learn more here: Aaaaaaand here are some more links if you’re interested: MDC merch: Find me on TikTok: Find me on Instagram:
Are Cometeer Coffee’s Frozen K-Cups worth it?! Is Cometeer the best coffee pods without a machine? Is the future of specialty coffee frozen? In this video, I provide an honest opinion about Cometeer’s frozen coffee pods, in addition to giving a couple of examples of how to brew without a k-cup machine. Check out Cometeer Coffee: The stop motion is 100% inspired by this post: by Joshua Fortuna @joshuafortuna His post is mesmerizing and was inspiring when trying to incorporate a new idea for this video. Full disclosure, Cometeer provided two boxes to review. This is not a [More]