I’m very picky about my Coffee. I’ve tried a number of coffees from Costo and havn’t found anything I love yet. This stuff is only $9.99 for 3 pounds and is delicious. I love it. I’d rank it 8/10 with similar and higher priced brands though obviously not comparing this coffee to a Blue Mountain Coffee or any super high end coffees. If you like Coffee I’d highly recommmend you check this out.
Picked up a huge container of Costco’s signature brand coffee, and decided to do a quick review.
The Tassimo Nabob T-Discs is 100% Colombian coffee that contains beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms which have met strict standards for sustainability. It is which have met strict standards for sustainability. These uses INTELLIBREW to make sure every coffee, tea, cappuccino, latte, mocha, espresso, or hot chocolate taste exactly the way they are supposed to. The Rainforest Alliance certification also helps farmers minimize the need for harmful pesticides and only allows the use of clean water on the farms.It also ensures that soils, waterways, and wildlike habitat are protected and that farm workers enjoy decent housing access to medical [More]