Hindi lahat ng pampaganda makikita mo sa Sabon, Makeup or sa supplements, ang iba nasa Kape narin. Introducing VIN’S COFFEE (dili ko endorser hahaha)is more than just a coffee, it is packed with powerful Herbs. So what are you waiting for try niyo na mga Siszz!
I’ve gotten so many questions about collagen lately, so here’s a review of the collagen I’ve been using! My Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ingridnilsen My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ingridnilsen My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/heyingridnilsen ———- Missed my last videos? No worries! Check them out here: 5 Skincare Tips To Try Right Now: https://youtu.be/kMheAuOa_CY Re-Styling My Fashion Faves! https://youtu.be/77uPLdKDRjM Tatcha The Silk Canvas Product Review: https://youtu.be/LU7MMcT2gH0 ———- PRODUCT MENTIONED: Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, Unflavored https://amzn.to/2JZGnHC ———- This video is not sponsored.