How to Make Black Tie Coffee (Thai Iced Tea & Coffee Recipe) – from Thailand

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If you love coffee AND tea, why should you have to choose between them? Thailand has you covered with this sweet drink that covers the best of both worlds: the Black Tie. Go to my website at for the full recipe, ingredient list, photos, and more about this drink…

They key to this drink is the “Thai Tea”. This isn’t your ordinary black tea. In fact, contrary to its name, it contains a lot more than just tea. Thai tea comes specially packaged with distinct spices, flavors, and colors added to the leaves. Its taste and color are reminiscent of an orange creamsicle.

You can purchase Thai Tea (sometimes labeled Thai Tea “Mix”) at almost any Asian market for next-to-nothing. Amazon sells it as well.

There’s a couple important things to note when using Thai Tea, though:
1. Traditional Thai Tea mix contains food coloring.
2. The orange coloring will stain surfaces, so be mindful about spills or using white utensils.
3. It is totally worth the hassle.

I prefer Vietnamese or Thai-style coffees for this, since their bitterness plays well with the sweetness of the condensed milk and sugar. Cafe du Monde is a great alternative.

Visit my website for the full recipe (see link above).


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Music Credit: YouTube Audio Library

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