8 Crazy Coffee Cocktails For An Extra Buzz | Best Alcoholic Coffee Drinks | Twisted Bar

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For coffee lovers looking for an extra buzz, here are 8 Crazy Coffee recipes to start off your night. These caffeinated cocktails combine the rich bitter coffee taste with robust flavors of tequila, whiskey, and rum. If you’re looking for a happy hour boost or an extra pep in your step, these cocktails are for you!


0:10 – Winter Spiced Irish coffee
1:11 – Salted Caramel Mudslide
2:12 – Spiked Coffee Donut Shakes
3:23 – Rum Raisin Espresso Martini
4:17 – Coffee Old Fashioned
5:33 – Atomic Irish Coffee Slammer
6:16 – DIY Coffee Tequila
7:14 – Mocha Espresso Martini

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