SkavaenTV – Keurig Coffee Maker

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This was filmed back in 2009 on the old Skavaen channel. The quality is not that great as it was filmed with an old Samsung C10. ++ CAFEEPRESS:…


strumem90 says:

I like my Elite B40. Holds water and keeps it hot. 30 seconds for a cuppa
joe 😀 Got er on sale at crappy tire for $99. Friggin Rights!

MrR0botoh says:

Adam you gotta grow dat stash again. Frig yeah

Scarlet Kitty says:

Yeah, I know… my dad has one. He also fails to understand my need for at
LEAST 6 cups of coffee just for starters!! 🙂

fred cross says:

thank you for the info about dvd how long dose it take to make a cup good

Dave Lucas says:

Jesus christ that mustache scared me.

VlogginLife says:


TheStuffz says:

makes me want to get the kureig with the resivoir

MrJoekool76 says:

oh frig yea!

Ronald N says:

Ahahahaha porn stash FTW!

zx8401ztv says:

Like the beard and mustache :-), shame you shaved it off. I didnt realise
how long back you had that machine, it feels quite recent. I would fill the
container with loose tea lol 🙂

VlogginLife says:


chevysnfirst says:

Holey mustache! never tried any of the K cups before

Ridge97 says:

yep same prick….already got me to..WTF…trolls..

pikemazter says:

How has yours been running regular tap water instead of filtered or
distilled? I’ve been using distilled since we bought it after my mother in
laws broke from residue from the tap water.

88musicrox says:

hey its pedobears dad lawlz same thing i said on skaven

VlogginLife says:

its dicked right!

VlogginLife says:


Rex4x4 says:

holy porn stash batman

rednecksmokes says:

how did you know adam had a porn stash just kidding 🙂

left4dead403 says:

have you heard of the tassimo version thats what i use ill make a video
showing how to use it just like this video its just like a kureig but faster

redneckvloggin says:

you look like a younger version of my girlfriend’s dad, lol! my gramma has
that keurig…gonna try to get her to move it to my house since she dont
live at hers anymore

VlogginLife says:

yeah I am gonna do that seeing how I am on the coffee big times.


Adam you and Ron jeremy going to make anymore movies??????

Bittboy says:

Kill the BG music!

VlogginLife says:

no I can’t…

twocvbloke says:

If I was a coffee drinker, I’m sure I’d fund one of them things useful, but
I’ve been told by avid coffee fans that they’re not great, but, I’m a brit,
I drink extra strong tea…. 😛

VlogginLife says:

thats all these keurigs do.

dietGTcola says:

oh no he didnt

VlogginLife says:



its the red baron!

VlogginLife says:

its a good machine but takes too long to make

twocvbloke says:


Makedonetz2013 says:

Rocking the porn stash like a boss

TheStuffz says:

it’s the son of Captain Morgan!!

bcarbaugh says:

That stash cracks me up lol

VlogginLife says:

no I don’t..LOL you made another account…WTF!

Apopper17 says:

holy frig….DATpliance!

VlogginLife says:

I can’t believe I rocked that look for so long!

rednecksmokes says:

omg you look so french with this vid 🙂

VlogginLife says:


dbgestapo says:

once again another appearance from nojaggaboo!

VlogginLife says:

yeah I am gonna but there are 3 more of these going up that have it so
chill yer dick

Scarlet Kitty says:

ONE cup???! Don’t waste my time!!

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