Problem with Bunn NHBX Coffee Maker Lid

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My Bunn NHBX coffee maker isn’t supposed to dispense water with the lid swiveled in the open position. It started doing this about a month ago and has gotten…


bigsmoke634 says:

What I would to do is send it back to Amazon. Our Technivorm which was
given to us in 1997 as a wedding gift quit working. On its tombstone was
inscribed “It made perfect coffee till it’s last day”. While waiting for
our replacement to arrive, we used a loaner from a friend, the same model
you have. I was glad when our new Technivorm arrived, I was missing a great
cup of coffee.

Doc Faulken says:

@Lmccloud567 Thanks for the offer — I got an almost immediate email back
from support, also mentioning the rocker arm. I posted a follow up review,
thank you for responding!

Lmccloud567 says:

I work for BUNN and we should be able to help you with your brewer. There’s
a rocker arm inside the pour-in bowl that might be loose. If you haven’t
already, please give us a call at 800-352-2866. Our customer service team
is available Monday-Friday from 7am to pm.

badderthanyou says:

I have the same pot but my rocker arm is broken and it won’t drain water
into the main tank at all. Were you able to get a part for this?

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