Keurig B40 Elite single cup coffee maker demo/review

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This is a demonstration and review of the Keurig elite gourmet coffee maker.


Allen2045 says:

The K cups are expensive but we would only drink about half the pot of
coffee and it would start to get bitter if it sat over a period of time.
With this you get a fresh cup every time. Good review. ο»Ώ

MoNkEyCaKeS85 says:

Why doesn’t mine fill up that much? Even when I select the large cup it’s
not full…so aggravating thinkin about selling the damn thing i got it
super cheapο»Ώ

zakattack493 says:

Mine only fill ups half the cup and I have to do it twice every timeο»Ώ

Chris Rasmussen says:

IMO I think each cup is actually cheaper than restaurants price. Also I was
wasting most of a pot via my BUNN or Mr. Coffee. Great review however.

Steven Arendash says:

Coffee in the morning, hot apple cider in the evening.

huffamly says:

Thank you for posting this. I was not sure at all about using it and I did
it step by step with your video…very helpful.

GhostsRreal66 says:

@Myra1959 Thank You!

GhostsRreal66 says:

@chrisnzella Thanks! Good point!

GhostsRreal66 says:

@JCSCougar I love this thing for a fast cup before work….it saves alot of
time and makes great coffee…thanks for the comment!

Myra1959 says:

Great review. I have the same brewer.

GhostsRreal66 says:

@720syngates yes…just fill the reservoir with water and insert a k cup,
press the button. πŸ™‚

Kappucino Kiss says:

Thanks for the tutorial I am excited to get mine, what about the re usable
K cup is that cheaper than buying the boxes?

SweetxHeart28 says:

I’ve been look at this thing ever since May but held off on it because the
weather being hot. Now this it’s fall I think I’m just going to go ahead
and buy one. And Target has it marked down to under $100 right now! Thanks
for the video. It was very helpful.

JCSCougar says:

I have a Keurig Elite and it works great. My use is actually one cup of
coffee for the morning, and one or two tea’s for lunch or bed time so that
way I can fall asleep. My favorite tea has to be Celestials green tea. I
have a favorite coffee and I prefer caramel and vanilla. Around Spring and
Summer get the Brewed Over Ice coffee and tea package. I like the Black Tea
over lemonade (Arnold Palmer) the best because it tastes like you just went
to a country club bar after a round of golf.

NickiC709 says:

I brought this for my boyfriend and since I am not a coffee drinking he
wanted me to figure out how to use it and explain it to him when he got
home from work! Well I tried to understand the manual and since I am a
coffee and coffee maker challenged person, I turned to YouTube to help me
with this! I just want to say thank you to you for posting this video! I
was doing the happy dance because you helped me πŸ™‚

SpeedingThruTime says:

Maybe the cups are a little expensive, but keep in mind, would you rather
drive to a Starbucks to buy a $5 cup of coffee from a somewhat small
selection? Or, make your own $0.75 coffee in the comfort of your own home
with a huge variety of flavors?

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