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Ty Siharat says:

Im getting it pretty soon.. thanx for your awesome review, bro.

Ligia Armas says:

lol this video is great

Summer Rae says:

now I want to by this! with your enthusiasm, smh thats all i needed

jeffandersen1965 says:

dude, clean your kitchen

Cory M says:

I love this guy’s enthusiasm!

(H/T: +Nicole Higgins) 

drohoe1 says:

Drink coffee before bed? Puck dat lol.

babzog says:

Bought this the other day for use at home. Loved it so much I bought
another for my desk at work! The machine is well designed, easy to use and
clean, makes hotter coffee than the barcode machine and generates almost no
waste (coffee grounds – that’s it!). I only rate it 4/5 stars because the
water reservoir only holds enough for your current cup. If, like other
single serve brewers, it had a water tank (2l would be nice) and a cup size
selector button, it would be perfect in my book.

Sean Fleming says:


tufaznail says:

You should get a Keurig. They fuckin rule.

Andrew Jones says:

I created a review for this coffee maker too, but it’s not all it is made
out to be. Though finally I am able to get a nice cup of my Starbucks
coffee finally.

Michael Daroczi says:

now I want to by this! with your enthusiasm this guy should be doing adds
be kickin billy mays ass haha

MoneyOvaBitchezzzz says:

u need to lay off the coffee and u need to like smoke a joint to calm ya
damn nervers

TheeVulture says:

Elpresador has his preference & its Hamilton Beach and I can’t knock him
for it. He wants to like us save money & not buy coffee at Starbucks,
Dunkin Donuts & its understandable, at the end of the day, you save money
because you make your own coffee how you want it & you don’t have an
employee at Starbucks, etc. screwing it up & charging you an arm & a leg
for it & you don’t have to go out to have it made, you can make it yourself
and only have to shop to buy the coffee itself, creamers, etc.

djmary44 says:

Mine made 1 cup and pissed all over the counter. I was shocked to see they
used so much metal and MISSED it where it needed it most! The strip of
black plastic that is supposed to hold the mini basket cracked and let
water go everywhere! That was the one place that should have metal support
and its thin plastic. Only an idiot would design something like that. They
also really need paper filters to remove the sludge and easy clean. I could
not find any on the web. Cup cake papers? lol

Tom Williams says:

ok what is the brew temperature and second of all how can yocu filter the
water before you put the water in I had heard that the coffee while u fill
it with a coffee not carried by tassimo keurig, keurig vue verisimo cbtl
capsule system ihave said the pod approach is more cost effective in one
respect someone get back with me and the vue does a 14 oz coffee very well
just remember to select strong like u would hit the bold button is this
worth the 58 dollars when u add on the local taxes

TAGmyART says:

i thought this guy was black… he sounds black

JuraianKnight says:

Can you get more than one 14oz. cup out of a scoop or is it pretty much
spent after brewing?


it looks cozy in there

Andrew Rivera says:

is this a dunkin donuts review or a coffee maker review? haha this guys is

MrFwong42 says:

indoor voice?

The Coolest Stuff says:

that’s a great coffee maker

thelastthingyouseee says:

Didn’t know wether he hated it or loved it

Ben Reed says:

dunkin donuts has by far the WORST coffee in the world! Awesome donuts by
horrible coffee. Makes you sick after 30 minutes

lazerstare says:

they need to pay you. i’m seriously going to buy both dunkin donuts coffee
and the one cup brewer.

Andrew Jones says:

I had high hopes for the hamilton, but yes the Keurig is great. I do not
think they can beat this for some time as it is perfect as it stands. It is
expensive, but I have my coffee how iwant it each and every time, no fuss.

Stockman007 says:

good to see him very happy

Vundurhuur says:

just take my fucking money already! juncture.

cantire1234 says:

Ha, nice review. I wonder what you are like without drinking 3 cups of
coffee a day 🙂 14 oz is Medium in the USA? Wow!

k9feces says:

@JuraianKnight It might be worth a try the scoop is more coffee tha I would
normally use for 14 oz

nejinaji says:

drinking coffee before you go to bed. nice. haha

Exit89Drums37 says:

bought some dunkin donuts coffee today, ready to try it out tomorrow and
see how it works haha

ammaretto says:

thanks for the info..i may buy one. I hope it can replicate tim hortons

Stangy Fotweny says:

maxwell house ain’t nothin’ unless it’s french or colombian roast…..even
then, wal-mart’s coffees are better, and even cost less…..so wise up,
mister “real man”

Wesley Engstrom says:

Me too DAMN IT I drink good coffee of Maxweel coffee daily but if I miss a
day of drinkin coffee ohhhhhhhh you don’t want to see me get angry at 6:00
am in the morning .

Joshua Gordon says:

he says he loves dunkin donuts coffee yet he has foldgers in the
backround….. -.-

Retrodesperado says:

But at this juncture and my age, what is? (Lol.)

Allan Souri says:

@xFatalityCoD its bf3 not bbc3 fucking dumbass

American1Pride says:

I love coffee to 😀

Adam Berger says:

Only Pres would drink coffee before he goes to bed.

kanjimanji says:

@Shearie23 lmao 😛

SuperSaad64 says:

try a “Black and Decker:Brew and Go”. I love coffee and have bought two of
these hamilton beach scoop machines and they are poorly designed and have
terrible results. The Brew n Go is soooooo good at making strong 1 cup
coffees and uses small paper filters. Trust Me on it. Try one out

tacc24 says:

Love you baby. I got rid of a Keurig Elite. Coffee never hot, brought it
back. Do not want to pay the crazy price for those weak K-cups, I want to
roll my own. Bought this Hamilton Beach at Bed Bath & Beyond, $59.99 with
20% off, a bag of Italian Roast Coffee beans for $5.99 that I could grind
right there, and I’m very happy. Makes a large cup of hot, strong,
flavorful, coffee. The K-cup is the biggest rip off of our generation.
Thanks for your review. TC

Raul Andres says:

Presador could review a broken CD and it would still be gold! Like a beast!!

MsKitchendining says:

I have been enjoying this single serve coffee maker especially since you
can use your own coffee and not the little plastic ones. It had a plastic
flavor at first but after running it through several cycles,this improved.
here is the link to it in case anyone is interested: amzn.to18ZolJU

vinni3c says:

Push of a button, ya done!

Davey fagan says:

I thought he was black.. he sounds black.. lol

thebossman222 says:

The ELPRESADOR Shopping Channel.

Kronkowski says:

@daveyfgn look at 402Thunder402 sounds so black hes white

MrShmotz says:

How much did Hamilton beach pay you Pres?…. sold out Pres…… sold out

TheVideoChip says:

I’ll bet you a donut that dunkin-donut-dude was recently fired from Dunkin
Donuts! 🙂 Great review however… mine is on the way! 🙂 Search
“TryTheScoop” for a $10 Rebate $10 Rebate – Hamilton Beach TryTheScoop This
offer runs from 11/07/2012 until 12/31/2012.

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