Trying to keep daily travel expenses purposeful and low cost gets easier with time. For instance, my daily dose of coffee can be a budget breaker. But, after…
Uploaded by admin on August 29, 2014 at 6:19 am
Trying to keep daily travel expenses purposeful and low cost gets easier with time. For instance, my daily dose of coffee can be a budget breaker. But, after…
my bad lol this is a different design i did not realize about the filter on
+pkepple66 – Thank you for your comment. Congratulations on your new coffee
maker. Another idea: After my glass french press broke, I use the plunger
on the GSI. So if I don’t have the filters with me, I can use it as a
press. It works great, and doesn’t break.
but you just used it as a container to collect drips.. why not the actual
perc that comes with it?