Enter for a chance to Win Black and Becker Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker with Travel Mug (see video for more details). This Giveaway sponsored by http://ww…
Uploaded by admin on July 28, 2014 at 1:18 am
Enter for a chance to Win Black and Becker Brew ‘n Go Personal Coffeemaker with Travel Mug (see video for more details). This Giveaway sponsored by http://ww…
Hey, I like your video
hey whats everyones favorite coffee? mine is magnum roaster blue mt
I am looking for my first one cup maker. This seems like a great option!
Thanks for the small review.
i have the similiar unit they made with the cup that looks a lil more
rubbery. Not a bad unit but dont put larger mugs on it as they tend to tip
over. Otherwise the coffee comes out pretty hot…way I like it
Nice and compact.
Yep guess who’s back das is back. Need the black and decker poopoo wrecker
niceeeeeeeeeee! I LOVE COFFEE
I enjoy watching your videos! Would love to win this coffee maker – could
really use it now since my Keurig quit working this afternoon.
I love this because it is perfect for on the go! My fingers are crossed!
Thank you for the opportunity.
i am going to.win i am going to win positive affirmation
I would love go have this at my desk!! I love coffee!!
Brian is an exceptional salesman of an excellent product.
put my name in so i can win.
gotta have it. u guys rock
and i like there columbian margiotype. they call it elephant bean
I love coffee and my coffee maker doesn’t work and we just bought it and we
need a new one
that thing is.pretty cool tho.
i want it!!!!!
never won anything this would be amazing!!!!!!
might finally win. i never win contest.
I would love this to keep at work! Awesome product
Hi i want this cofee maker becoz the other one died
aroma cup should be aroma contest.
i want u black sorry i didnt mean to decker. but she wouldnt stopcoffee
need that
Coffee is a great way to start the day for real.
That indeed is nice
please let me have this please
nice machine
Congratulations Trisha Alner! You are a Winner of the Black and Becker
Coffee Maker!!! Thank You to Everyone for Participating and stay tune for
more Weekly Coffee Giveaways! Enjoy your cup, Aromacup.com
I LOVE it! Gotta have it!
is the cup thermal? looks like it.
need this gotta have it
wow! i want it
My old cofee maker died…i would love to win!!!!