A bit of a twist on the traditional pour overs, Gail tests out this German version of slow brew java crafting. Find out more details here: http://www.seattle…
Uploaded by admin on February 10, 2014 at 8:30 pm
A bit of a twist on the traditional pour overs, Gail tests out this German version of slow brew java crafting. Find out more details here: http://www.seattle…
Why am I expecting Pete Sweady to walk through the door to show the girls
his prized balls?
The coffee taste so grate, smooth, and rich in flavour with the Karlsbader
Kanne (historical Name). The German company is called Walkuere (Bayreuther
Walküre). There is also another more beautiful model available on the
market. Anyways, as a rule of thump: 5g of coffee per 100ml (3,38oz) water
(95°C / 203 F) time of extraction should be 4 min.
Since you are importing this coffee maker from Walkure you should check out
their amazing coffee cups, demitasses, saucers etc and try importing those
as well, i specially love their “vento” line. I have a vintage karlsbader
but it’s the 1L version so i rarely use it since it can’t properly make
less than that.
I decided to make my coffee before I watched your video, because lets face
it, I always have a craving after watching your videos anyway 😀
Coffee does not pass thru?
@robotmotor thank you 🙂 🙂 🙂 – kat
kind of like giant vietnamese coffee filter
I used to get great coffee from the small (but not the big) Drip-o-lator. A
bit like this one but aluminum. I will be looking for this in Canada.
Thanks for everything. You guys are great!
@coffeefusion I appreciate your commitment to planning ahead 😉 – Kat
Looks neat, Im interested in pour over coffee, I rarely drink coffee but I
had some pour over on a trip recently and want to give it a try. How hard
is it to clean?
According to their website what you have is actually called the
Karlsbad…the Bayreuth is the 80’s style. 🙂
@Operafiend22 My Italian sucks! I have no excuse for my German since I am
of German descent… 🙁 Thank you for the correction!!! 🙂 – Kat
Kat, I love your ‘meow’! 🙂
@SeattleCoffeeGear your welcome kat 🙂
yep, this is the classic, old fashioned Karlsbader Kanne, which the older
generation in Germany and Austria all have in their kitchen. Nostalgic, but
not a good method for brewing coffee today: you MAY get an ok cup, but the
need for quite coarse grounds gives a bad extraction (I’ve got one, and up
against V60, Kalita, Clever Dripper, Chemex etc, it is uneven and more a
curiousity than a nessesity.
@jankrix Yes, very similar! Probably should mix with condensed milk in
order to do a true side by side 😉 – Kat
@SeattleCoffeeGear I think he/she meant particulates. The gaps are pretty
big, was there sludge?
@samshead Yes — we updated 🙂 – Kat
@SeattleCoffeeGear Any idea on when Walkure will bring out their other
models here in the US? I really want that one-cup model.
@coffeefusion I appreciate your commitment to planning ahead 😉 – Kat
@klarinetta Pretty similar cup, taste-wise. The Sowden has more flexibility
in brew options, however, and the micro filter would allow you to use less,
finer ground coffee – Kat
@perrypix Cool! If you don’t find a Canadian importer, we will be adding
this once we launch our international shipping so you could pick it up in a
few from us – just FYI – Kat
great video love you kat and gail
jeez the grounds need to be EXTREMELY coarse it seems to not slip through
those slots. The grind that Gail used seemed to still be a little too fine
in my opinion.
@glukometr2 hahahaha – thanks 🙂 – kat
@thePowerPlant We carry the one cup version of the Karlsbad but the
importer is not planning on bringing in the modern version; we’re trying to
talk them into it 😀 – Kat
@Beznet We did have a bit of sludge on the bottom of the pot after we
poured it out for the crew. We’ll probably take it up another notch coarser
the next time around, but it was still a great cup. – Kat
I loved the material / design and the cup was smooth … sadly, the
importer stopped importing them into the US, so we don’t have ’em any more
– Kat
@thePowerPlant You’re right! Sorry about that — we got no information from
the importer on these so were taking our best guess – updated 🙂 – Kat
@oktyone We’re not importing these directly, so only have access to this
item right now, unfortunately – Kat
So how does this one compare to the Sovden Soft Brew ?
Kat, your Italian is so impressive, but your German… 😉 Walküre is
pronounced Val-Koo-reh Bayreuth is pronounced Buy-royt Great video as
@renix Got it — yeah, as I mentioned below. there was a bit in the bottom
so we would probably take the grind up just a bit the next time around. But
it was very little – Kat
I just checked out the modern designed Walkure, and damn! It looks like
something that would find in the MoMA. Sleek, and very much akin to Swedish
design. And there one-cup design looks awesome as well. I hope they bring
that one to the States soon!!! ^^ Are you sure this one isn’t the Karlsbad?
As their website has the Bayreuth model as the modern version. Oh well,
they’re both KEWL!
@abcborgess Nope, it passed through, just a slow drip – Kat
I’ve actually found the exact opposite of what you’re saying to be true…
The extraction on this is quite phenomenal (since when does a coarse grind
result in a bad extraction?). I love it BECAUSE I can use such a course
grind but still extend the brew time out to 4 minutes. It also allows a lot
of the oils to get into the cup which helps accentuate the body without
effecting the clarity of flavor in the cup.
Super easy to clean! Washes out very simply. – Kat
Přes 100 let stará a vracející se metoda přípravy s českými kořeny. Původně
pod krásným názvem Karlovarský příbor, dnes už bohužel známá spíše jako
Walküre (podle německé porcelánky, kde se teď vyrábí … http://www.walkuere.de).
Hlavní předností je, že filtr je také porcelánový – tedy propustí žádoucí
oleje, které papírové filtry zachytí. Druhou příjemnou vlastností je
porcelán, který po nahřátí udrží déle teplotu. A v neposlední řádě krásně
vypadá. Vyrábí se v retro i moderní verzi.
Crew Review: Walkure Karlsbad Porcelain Coffee Maker
A tady ještě přímo z porcelánky – obě varianty a podrobnosti:
Přes 100 let stará a vracející se metoda přípravy s českými kořeny. Původně
pod krásným názvem Karlovarský příbor, dnes už bohužel známá spíše jako
Walküre (podle německé porcelánky, kde se teď vyrábí … http://www.walkuere.de).
Hlavní předností je, že filtr je také porcelánový – tedy propustí žádoucí
oleje, které papírové filtry zachytí. Druhou příjemnou vlastností je
porcelán, který po nahřátí udrží déle teplotu. A v neposlední řádě krásně
vypadá. Vyrábí se v retro i moderní verzi.
Crew Review: Walkure Karlsbad Porcelain Coffee Maker
A tady ještě přímo z porcelánky – obě varianty a podrobnosti: