Crew Review: The Best Little Coffee Maker

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If you’re in the market for a new drip coffee maker, you can’t afford to pass this little workhorse up. Rob and Allison show us its features and brew a cup o…


Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@alexsilreg You doubt our expertise? – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@xximanoobxx 😀

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@xandrios back at ya 🙂

idkwhatsthat says:

you guys are awesome. I wanna work there.

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@unlokia Thanks! 😀 – Kat

mlecanda says:

I love the water level safety mechanism! hehe.. Thanks for the laughs 🙂

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@adamaliabarnes They’re on order, but since they’re handcrafted, I believe
the turnaround will be a couple of months or so. We’ll definitely keep you
in the loop 😉 – Kat

Eamonn Doyle says:

I. Oiled hardly contain myself when rob took the first sip!

Alex Gerli says:


Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@TheSampleLife 😀

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Hahaha – these are all sold out, can you believe it?!?!?! 😉 – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@mayongmd Yes, she is — Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@skoredreng 😀 😀

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Hahaha – glad you enjoyed it 😀 – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@Warrenff5 Guessing your coffee is also lacking similar overall richness
and body 😉 – Kat

Steven Bird says:

Guys, I love your informative reviews and tutorials and you all look like
you have so much fun! I adore my coffee in it’s many forms. Let me know if
you get a vacancy for my dream job. Working there! The commute from
Birmingham UK will be on the Red Eye, but hey… My best to you all! 😀

xandrios says:


Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@PiercedCub32 We love it, too! We are looking into it, but not yet. – Kat

margannaful says:

This made my day!

Daryl Liggins says:

Thanks for the laugh

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@Malangsufi 😀

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@psylent777 It’s pretty rad — we’re hoping to sell them soon. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@idkwhatsthat Thanks! Glad you enjoyed our humor 😉 – Kat

Malang Sufi says:

Seattle coffee brings the humour to the beans 😀

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@steveb1972 That would be quite the commute!!! Thanks so much for watching
and glad you’re enjoying the show 😀 – Kat

Agathorn says:

You gotta love it 🙂

KaltorRotis says:

Technivorm better watch out!

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@Agathorn 😀

theoharis2000 says:

I knew it was April’s Fool’s because the uploading date was 1st April.But
was REALLY funny;-)

theoharis2000 says:

And because it’s the lowest end of low end coffee maker!

greenthum66 says:

You guys are so silly!

mayongmd says:

Happy April Fool’s day! Thanks.. BTW, is Allison of Filipino descent? Just
curious. Thanks and take care…

adambomb8857 says:

this was pretty funny up until the end…and then he tasted the coffee…i
nearly died.

TheTraumaFactor says:

OMG BRASS KNUCKLES COFFEE MUG!!! WHAAT!!?!?! gimmegimmegimme!

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@fastfolky Full bodied! 😀 – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@lewys258 😀 😀

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@44Bigs Haha — 🙂

Eamonn Doyle says:

I have two questions. How much and when will it be here!

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@mlecanda I don’t think anyone has come up with something quite so
effective yet! – Kat

Lewys Brown says:

Haha you guys had me going!! Nice to do something for April fools xD

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@thebluereverend Of course! The coffee isn’t any good unless it’s
pre-seasoned. – Kat

Adam Barnes says:

When are you starting to stock this? I’ll have to get one…;)

xximanoobxx says:

wow, i was browsing through your vids, and didn’t see the date till now.

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@ytwthcr Totally agree here — definitely going to talk to the manufacturer
about your idea here. I’m sure they’ll customize this for us!! – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@margannaful Yay!!

newstart1651 says:

I love that machine, Id pay at lease a $grand myself for it.

thebluereverend says:

I’ll order one but it’d better come with sediment in the water tank or I’m
sending it back

44Bigs says:

Haha.. at first I was like.. whaaaaat, really? Good one! 😀

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@solidstream13 You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@newstart1651 I’ll put you down for one 🙂 – Kat

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