Coffee making with Hamilton Beach coffee maker

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Just to settle a dispute that this machine is superior or comparable in speed, economic and taste to a silly Keurig coffee maker…


shenue says:

We’ve been using Hamilton Beach Brewstations since they were first
available to the public. We’ve owned a couple different models over the
years. Loved them all !!

shenue says:

Agree !!

ammaretto says:

i just bought the “scoop” machine…cannot figure out how to brew a GOOD
cup…any suggestions? Im using tim hortons fine ground, but doesnt taste
anything like hortons.

shenue says:

I’d sure love to know where you got the brewstation with the entire front
of the bucket made out of the semi-transparent plastic. I have to say that
would be so much better than just the little view strip that all of ours
have always had.

earthworm94 says:

I modified it and took off the black shroud around it. It keeps water from
being trapped and doesn’t affect the function of the machine.

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