Choosing a Coffee Maker

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Amy Clark of explains her choices for what every mom needs… a coffee maker. She also gives recommendations on features and how to clean one w…


Phillip Hallam-Baker says:

My experience of the electronic timers is that they die fairly quickly. And
having coffee sit on a hot plate cooking for hours is not good for the
taste so my choice is for a thermal caraffe. Unfortunately the low-mid
priced offerings on the market at the moment are pretty awful. There is no
way to clean the drip through lids. So unless you are willing to spring
$300 for the Technivorn, I would go for the French Press and a kettle.

jaworskij says:

Lots of places have hard water. Use distilled water instead. In my city
it’s about $2.49/ gallon.

bargainshopperlady says:

Cute video! We don’t have a coffee maker so this was great to watch. I was
overwhelmed with where to start on getting one someday!

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