Chemex Coffee Maker 1 – 3 Cup REVIEW

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Chemex Coffee Maker 1 – 3 Cup REVIEW.


Stefan Sigfinnsson says:

Because the Chemex filter is 25% thicker than standard filters and the
filter sits fluss against the glass you do need a coarser grind to
compensate for the slower flow rate. You will need medium-coarse grind. For
something like Hario V60 which has ridges inside the cone,thinner filter
and large opening at the bottom you will need much finer grind like medium
fine. Chemex coarser than auto drip,Hario V60 finer than auto drip.

Mazwell96 says:

bang some coffe in a cup, add water, bang in some milk 2 mins done couldnt
do that for a coffee

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