The Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine

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Gaggia Brera Black: Further proof that good things come in small packages, the Gaggia Brera is a fu…


jean yondervich says:

$549 Are you kidding me ewe I forgot they are giving me a $10.98 coupon????
These people must be in that world call ObamaNation!!! We the People that
actually WORK can’t just print MORE Money or wright Checks that my great
great grand Children Have Not even EARNED yet. $149 maybe. Have A Blessed
Day People

Lydia Whitcomb says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

wholelattelovetv says:

The links in the video description take you to the product page to
purchase. The Gaggia Brera is currently on sale for $549.00!

corey hungtintun says:

wow, I came to the page b/c I clicked on the advertisment. and in the
advertisment it says the machinge is inexpenisve . but for 549 dollars ,
dont you think that is lie?

BiggBrotha says:


Raed Habiss says:

how much where to buy

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