Review: Saeco Royal Professional Espresso Machine

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Buy it here: This is more then just an “Espresso Machine”! It is easily capable of making any style of cappu…


Wantar says:

I have this machine but I have a problem. Manual says that espresso (small
cup) should run for approx 20 sec, but my espresso runs for maybe 8 seconds
which is too fast and the coffee is not as aromatic as it should be (full
beans Lavazza Grand Espresso). Any idea how to slow down making of espresso
(water flow)? Thank you.

Natalie Bhatti says:

Hi i have saeco royal professional machine and i am having a small problem
and i am asking for your advice how to fix this problem. Suddenly the
coffee machine started giving half cup less coffee then normally. Is it
because by mistake i reset the quantity of coffee or can there be any other
reason for giving less coffee. I will be really grateful if you could help
me in this matter.
Best regards

Stefan Sigfinnsson says:

Do they not have a new version of this model out ?

wholelattelovetv says:

Yes, they do and we should have it in stock soon!

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