Nantucket Homes: Built-in Coffee Maker and Espresso Machine

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Do you love coffeehouse quality coffee and espresso without leaving the comfort of your home? George Knorps of Nantucket Homes demonstrates how this Miele bu…


Richiezhang880 says:

Very informative, thanks for the video!

Christopher Boffoli says:

George: There is no “x” in espresso.

zambifreak says:

There needs to be more room under the dispenser for bigger cups. Some
people use tall mugs and this won’t work for those. A cappuccino demo would
be nice but I doubt George knows how to use the frother.

BrewExpressDirect says:

Nice demo video on the Miele machine. Let us know if you want to do other
product demos for your company.

joonipar mc xeno says:

Expresso? What the horse is that? Next you’re going to axe me a question

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