Lelit PL41EM Version 2 Espresso Machine Preview

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Here we preview the brand new Lelit Pl41EM with upgraded steam wand.


dpgc9 says:

I bought this grinder, what setting was used? I used and it came out too
fast and finer didn’t come out… so I must be somewhere in between.
How many seconds/ml is a great shot? 25-30 / 50ml?

BloodAndThunder00 says:

@iDrinkCoffeeCanada Thanks for the response! I was just curious, haha.
Looks like a fantastic bargin. I think I might have to take the plunge when
the time comes.

iDrinkCoffeeCanada says:

@BloodAndThunder00 Hi, thank you for the compliment. We have not tried
changing the tip on the V2 because it really is quite nice. The single hole
gives you a lot of control and can produce very nice results.

BloodAndThunder00 says:

Excellent video. I really love the simplicity of the Lelit. Question about
the steam wand, can you change the tips on it by any chance?

Adie Williams says:

that said, I have a Le Lit, model before this one, with single hole tip and
I am able to get lovely froth/micro foam with some practice.

Endo789 says:

Can the ball-joint steam wand be retrofitted on my PL041 I bought from you
last year?

Adie Williams says:

1st-Line sells a 3 hole tip for their Le Lit. I believe it’s a tip from
another line that works on the le lit. fyi.

lukewarm711 says:

Yes you can. Google “replace old lelit wand with new” and a coffeesnobs
link should come up

REMINDS TributeBand says:

hi !! I really need an advice please! I’d like to buy new cofffee machine,
can you please tell me wich is better between this lelit “pl41em” and a
gaggia “baby twin”? thanx a lot !!!!!!

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