How to Make Espresso with a Home Espresso Machine

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Watch the whole series at: Learn how to extract espresso with the Breville Barista Express BES860XL and make espresso drinks at …


MsTxibi says:

Show us how to tamper and froth milk, pleaseeee!!!!!!

DIY Espresso Drinks says:

The rest of the videos, including tamping and frothing milk, are on the
website in the link below the video… just google “DIY Espresso Drinks”

InTheCup1000 says:

No offence but never leave your portafilter locked in with coffee grounds
for a period of time. Burns the coffee and affects the taste. Lock & brew!

Roy O Brien says:

That’s for the sink I think.

GypsyHustled says:

Can you please tell me the settings you use on the machine? Using single
filter i have a problem with under extraction. Thanks

GypsyHustled says:

What coffee beans did you use in this video? I’m trying to find some good
coffee beans for this same machine.

Salvatore Climenti says:

That’s a $500-$600 machine very good, but way too expensive for most
people, I have a $60 saeco via veneto refurbished machine it works well and
makes a nice espresso, I know it probably wont last for years but you get
want you pay for if and when it breaks i’ll buy a mid-range machine
$120-$180. I dont’ grind my own beans so I buy either a can of a good brand
espresso or go to an Italian gift/coffee store in the Bronx, with a variety
of coffee/espresso beans and ground up to order.

Rami Hermes says:

I liked the double wall cup

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