How to make a cappuccino on the Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine

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The Silvia’s boiler is made of marine grade brass and has the largest volume (12 oz.) of any home machine in its class. This large volume produces the best s…


mko101 says:

I’m gonna go ahead and turn off this video

Jean-Francois Joly says:

Good job!

Mike Cook says:

You make that look such hard work for such little result………

nerdbert says:

Hm… somehow I do everything differently: I start with the espresso, then
I switch to steam and wait for about 30s (Rancillio says somewhere that
there is more steam available if you start steaming while the Silvia is
still heating). While steaming I lower the wand when the milk reaches body
temperature and stop when holding the pitcher at the side starts to hurt.

greendayfan0913 says:

this was very helpfull thankyou.

bill gates says:


erik s says:

looks like we have a barista in the making

oneguycoding says:

I don’t bother turning on the pump any more when bleeding the steam line.
It takes a bit longer to bleed but I don’t have to refill the reservoir
nearly as much. The main thing to avoid when pulling the shot is that
Chsshhhh sound from too much steam pressure. Then a perfect shot is just a
matter of the right grind and tamp. Dead easy.

Yousef Noori says:

I Can Make a Cappuccino in a coffee machine( I’m only 10) I’m not lying

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