How to Clean the Breville Espresso Coffee Maker

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In this video, I show you how to clean the Breville Espresso Machine. Its a pretty simple and straightforward process. Any questions or comments feel free to…

Comments says:

How often are you getting the”clean me” light coming on? I swear on my
BES860XL it’s coming on every 2 weeks!

James Brown says:

I just bought the Breville 870xl and just love it. Do you have any tips for
the coarseness of the grind? It took me about 6 attempts to extract a good
shot of espresso but I had to set my coarseness dial to 13. It concerns me
because the instructions stated to start at 5. 

Susan Gross says:

Thank you so much. This was totally helpful

BeardedGenius says:

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