Gaggia Accademia Super Automatic Espresso Machine

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Marc and Morgan give you an overview of the Gaggia Accademia Espresso Machine. Coffee on demand has never been easier. With the Gaggia Accademia, seven dedic…


Mike Ennamorato says:

I don’t want to sound like a hater, but i owned this machine for a month
and here are my thoughts.

1 – Internal drip tray is way to small, it needs to be emptied every 3

2 – Auto-froth system just doesn’t heat up the milk enough.

3 – Shots came out burnt every time, used many kinds of beans and changed
all the settings.

4 – Steam wand barely moves and is a pain to use.

5 – Auto-froth cleaning system makes a mess of the machine.

6 – Water tank to small.

Please respect my opinion. Overall i’d give it a 5/10 and do not recommend
you buy it.

Sherri Williams says:

Love to have this machine

philojc says:

Thanks for a great review! I’ve noticed that both the Accademia and
theXelsis ID by Saeco are quite similar (other than the finger print
feature on the Xelsis ID); I like the fact that both models come with a
separate manual steam wand. I’m just curious how you guys find these 2
machines when compared together. I had my mind sort of set on the Xelsis
but now I’m not too sure!

wholelattelovetv says:

Those were Bormioli Rocco glasses which can be found on their website.

yubertuber1 says:

What a machine! Great job on the Vid as well. $2K though is VERY expensive.
I don’t even drink coffee, but my wife LOVES it along with espressos etc.
This would make a great Christmas gift for her, so we’ll see. I love those
coffee mug you guys were using. The one that looks like it slips into the
stainless steel holder. Where did you get those, and how much are they?

Whole Latte Love says:

The Gaggia Accademia Super-Automatic Espresso Machine

patty8714 says:

Did you say the max quantity of beans was 10g per shot? How does it do

Paul Casey says:

truly amazing

cacique311 says:


Carrie A Groff says:

Love it!

pedro ortiz says:


heatherwind says:

I am in seriously flaming purple lust for this.

Sherri Williams says:

Love to have this machine

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