Crew Review: Saeco Exprelia Evo Superautomatic Espresso Machine

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Want a one-touch superautomatic espresso machine, but worried that the auto-froth won’t be hot enough for you? Check out the new Exprelia Evo by Saeco! With …


SighMN says:

Ms. Kat if you choose to accept this Christmas Coffee Challenge, is
something I’ve been wondering since the Exprelia Evo was released! If I
could buy the new dual chamber milk carafe that the Evo has, would it work
with the older Exprelia? I love my Exprelia (classic), but the milk is
pretty luke warm, so if I have time I always froth the milk myself with the
great steam arm. I would be so happy if you and some other fabulous
Seattle Coffee Gear employee made a video to test this out! I love your
channel, and I refer a lot of my friends/family in the USA to your online
store! Merry Christmas! Have I buttered you up enough?

Shawn Hrycyk says:

Ok I have a question…I live in canada, and the Xelsis (w/ finger print
recognition) and the Exprelia Evo are both the same price. Which one are
YOU buying?

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

No; the fingerprint reader option is only on the Xelsis machines. At least
in the US, that hasn’t been an Exprelia option. – Kat

Steven Bird says:

Fantastic machine! AND look at your snazzy showroom! Woohoo! 🙂

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

This is the same camera we’ve been using for the past few years, but I am
learning new processing software. Sorry! – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

It’s pretty gorgeous! 🙂 – Kat

TvanDoornik says:

I’m sorry: my question is a bit vague. I’d like to know if you think the
Minuto (HD8762) is on par with the Intelia (HD8751/95). Many thanks in
advance! TJ

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Then you should pick up any number of auto froth machines that will do just
that for you 😉 Not sure on the other milks; we’ve only just started
playing with this machine. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

It’s just different variations of water volumes; you can program these for
whatever you like. They don’t do any differences in pressure (like the
Minuto, for example). – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Yes, but it doesn’t change it as much; appears to be a combo of the carafe
and an improvement to the temp / element in the machine. However, since
your machine is 220v, you may have better results. If you try it out, let
us know!! 🙂 Thanks – Kat

SupahFraai says:

Did they add numeric indicators to the amount of water, coffee etc in the
coffee menus? The “old” Exprelia isn’t very friendly that way.

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

I’m not sure yet — but we’re definitely going to experiment to see if it
is the result of the carafe. If it is, hopefully we’ll be able to get them
as an accessory item that original Exprelia owners can pick up. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

So, my very unscientific test this morning: Ran ‘hot milk’ on both the Evo
and the Xelsis, using the Evo carafe and the Xelsis carafe. It seems that
it is a combination between the carafe and an internal change to the
machine because while the Evo carafe on the Xelsis produced a bit hotter
milk than the stock Xelsis carafe, both were hotter on the Evo. I don’t
know if the temp change would justify purchasing the carafe separately. –

Andrew Dickinson says:

This looks amazing!

reidly says:

I would be interested to hear the results of the carafe test. I have an
Xelsis that I don’t use the carafe because it is not hot enough. If I could
buy the new carafe and solve this problem, it would make my machine perfect.

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Yup – the review will post on Monday. – Kat

Julian Amrine says:

now that your closer to seattle I might come and visit!

Cody Marshall says:

Does this guy come with the fingerprint reader option? Looks snazzy!

Danemicos says:

What if I want it more… tepid… readily chuggable in temp? Does it
handle alternative milks like half n half, soy, etc well?

JocikaSRB says:

The old camera seems better at filming SCG videos 😀 John

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Please check out my comments below … – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

We posted our video review of it this morning …. sounds like perhaps
you’ve already purchased it, though 🙂 – Kat

Cody Marshall says:

Well then I guess I should say I wonder if the Xcelsis will get the milk
frother update 🙂

Charlie Chan says:

The other three buttons are Espresso,Coffee, Long Coffee on the left side
of machine. Can you make yourself a Coffee and drink it and tell me what it
tastes like compared to Espresso, what’s the difference?

Flo Ss says:

Great Video!!!! Fanboy from Germany 😉 Can i use the milk tank from the
Exprilia on my Xelsis for better and hotten milk?

jeffs99a says:

well you guys be getting and/or reviewing the upcoming Saeco Minuto?

FullAttach says:

I’m not too sure about the machine, but I love the look of your new place
and wish you guys the best of luck there!!! I would love a ‘store tour’
video when up and running! 🙂

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Definitely! We ‘soft opened’ on Tuesday and Gail and I are going to shoot a
tour video next week, so stay tuned 🙂 – Kat

Emerald13 says:

When are you opening a store on the east cost ? :O

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Please do! – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Yay!! Enjoy it 🙂 – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

First, let’s see how we do with our second official store, eh?! 😉 Someday,
we’ll be coast to coast! – Kat

TvanDoornik says:

Do you already have any first thoughts on the Minuto? I’m about to buy one
this weekend!

Stefan Schaefer says:

This would be awesome! Thanks, Kat.

ptfo30 says:

Are you guys going to do a review of the new Xelsis evo?

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

No; it’s still a range. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

We review everything as it’s made available to us and comes to the US
market … so yes if we get it 🙂 – Kat

Andrew Dickinson says:

I finally ordered this machine. Thanks again for the review. I love Gail!!

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

It’s pretty great! 🙂 – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Haha – ah yes. Well, I’m hoping so, but we haven’t heard the good word on
that. – Kat

Stefan Schaefer says:

Do you think the new carafe is the reason for the hotter milk, better foam?
or are there any other changes to the old Exprelia? Would be interesting to
see if the new carafe works with the old model. Bought an Exprelia about a
year ago and this would solve the only real flaw of the old model.

Diane says:

Hi Guys, well after much deliberation and emails from your good selves I
took the plunge and bought this machine. I love it, however feel very much
an amateur! I am finding making latte and cappuccino foam with the steamer
very difficult. The milk heats up really quick which doesn’t give much time
to correct any errors or “work it” (if I knew how!) could you maybe post a
video with steaming tips for this machine? I am practicing a lot but it is
a bit if a hit or miss! 

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