Nespresso has a new espresso maker model available, featuring the same basic functionality of their other espresso machines, but with a more space-conscious …
Uploaded by admin on October 1, 2014 at 8:19 pm
Nespresso has a new espresso maker model available, featuring the same basic functionality of their other espresso machines, but with a more space-conscious …
@alexsilreg We got them from LM – they created them for SCAA and I don’t
know if they have any left or not… -Kat
@renix Haha — I don’t know about that! I am too mischievous, really, to be
a pixie – Kat
Kat your so hot
Yes – temp is great on these guys and I think this would be a better choice
in your living room re: cleanliness, etc. You could do pods in the Poemia,
but the espresso is not as good. – Kat
I just won as I present. Nespresso Pixie Coffee Machine are great!
Nespresso created a standard that offers a fast, clean and thick coffee. I
loved it. But, my traditional espresso machine is better yet.
@SeattleCoffeeGear Ahh, of course. Now I didn’t get the reference 🙂
@diskusjon (yes, I was referencing Michael’s response to them when there
were all doing their ridiculous non-chickeny dances) 😀 – Kat
@SeattleCoffeeGear Ofcourse, I’ll try it out for a week (If it holds that
long with my coffeedrinking habit) And then give you a short review.. 🙂
I think I like the CitiZ & Milk a tad more…Good to know, thanks! 🙂
Hey Seattle C.G.! I’m trying to decide between this one and a Saeco Poemia.
Iknow they’re different, but I’d like to have one of these in my living
room. My question is: what about temperature? is it hot enough? what about
that 165ºF limit for an expresso? Thanks a bunch! great reviews by the
We haven’t tried the CBTL machines, but we did do a comparison between the
Nespresso machines and the illy capsule machines. Seem to be fairly neck
and neck in terms of actual coffee quality. – Kat
Thank you for the review. Just picked one up today. Hopefully the coffee it
produces is good enough. I drink lattes so I’m going to have to get a
steamer. The newest Nespresso model has this built in but at the cost of
two of these machines but I like pouring my own cups.
I can’t decide whether to get a Pixie or a CitiZ…?
@Keiniti Agree; super easy to use and not too bad of a job of it — but a
traditional espresso machine still beats it 🙂 – Kat
how is the coffee out of one of those machines? is it any good?
Buying one of these soon. My home and my crooked mind needs it 🙂
Yeah; I think you’ll dig this overall … It’s not going to make the god
shot but for what it is it’s a good choice – Kat
Kat is quite a pixie LOL
@DansaMinCancer Hahaha – let me know how you like it 🙂 – Kat
@diskusjon I could throw AD references all day long! 😀 It’s one of my
favorites — still love it, still watch it often and still laugh my $*@!
off 😀 – Kat
Looked at one the other day and the quality of the machine is awful
@SeattleCoffeeGear is only that the way you imitated the chicken always
reminds me of this
It gets the job done … similar in quality to a superautomatic espresso
machine. – Kat
@SeattleCoffeeGear Mischievous huh? Well, we’re listening. lol
How would you guys compare this to the Illy and CBTL machines?
@DansaMinCancer Yay!!! I think you should film it 😀 – Kat
@renix I do!
We had our longes day of the year last month. Also, I like the reference to
Arrested Development (if that was a reference to Arrested Development :P)
@05clenharth Same quality as all the rest of Nespresso’s equipment, so
obviously not the machine type for you 🙂 – Kat
Well, they produce the same exact coffee, so it’s really all about looks 🙂
– Kat
@SeattleCoffeeGear You might like Mr. Show then
@diskusjon yes, we shoot these well in advance in some cases, so date
references aren’t always accurate, unfortunately! Have any of you ever even
seen a chicken? 😉 – Kat