Crew Review: Nespresso Capsule Espresso Machine

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Gail shows us the ins and outs of the Nespresso capsule espresso machine, including a demo of how it and the Aeroccino milk frother work. For more informatio…


Steven Bird says:

Nespresso have a good capsule recycling programme!ο»Ώ

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@terry81 Me, too! πŸ˜€ – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@skampster Yeah, giving our opinion is the point of this channel, because
we experiment and try different things and have fun with it. So if you’re
not into other people’s opinions about coffee and espresso, this is
probably not the channel for you. πŸ˜€ – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@stupidnamenoonecares Robusta is often incorporated into espresso blends
and there are some camps that believe it’s not espresso unless it has some
robusta in it. But everyone has an opinion with coffee and also everyone is
right πŸ˜‰ I hope that you find a blend you like; I know that do have some
100% arabica varieties available. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@sjhoenen These videos are for testing and reviewing; we like these
machines, period. If you want to review and share your opinion on any
machines, by all means, do so in your own videos. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@kbrones1 Hmmmmmm….well, good luck with your interview! Not sure there is
much I can tell you to give you an edge that we don’t cover here πŸ™‚ These
machines are pretty straight forward. – Kat

jimeca says:

I want this machine.. everyone says the taste.. is unique… but it’s kind
of expensive.. and the awful noise that the machine makes.. ughh

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@renix I think it’s important to also identify that most people don’t have
the time or interest to understand this; It’s pretty esoteric to many folks
and the market as it is today is geared toward folks who are either really
into this or don’t care at all. There is a middle ground that we’re trying
to address, and a big part of that is accepting that not everyone is going
to be a geek about it. Geeks are great (I’m one!) but if you’re not one,
contending with one can be intimidating. – Kat

stupidnamenoonecares says:

@stupidnamenoonecares ok much happier now i’ve tried some more pods. the
arpeggio is great and i think i’ll be getting it a lot. overall it’s better
than the BP cafe on the way to work and will save me some money after the 4
months it will take to pay for the upfront cost. i’m surprised at how
stingy i feel about using the pods. 3 pods seems like so much but it’s much
the same as a large extra shot from a BP cafe.

MsPinkBabie says:

I love it I want it so badly!!!

skampster says:

Im not to impressed with the new Limited edition blend. Not strong enough

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@renix Totally; well, hopefully we do some of that work here — not
perfectly, but try to be balanced and open and informative. And fun πŸ˜€ – Kat

skampster says:

@SeattleCoffeeGear – this so makes me laugh, you compare it to traditional
coffee, being not as good (duh) but you then over extract the crap out of a
pod and say how nice it is?????

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@Johanvideo525 They have some competition these days (that they’re suing
over) — from Sara Lee and an environmentally-friendly company…so choice
in capsules may be available in the future, depending on how the IP stuff
shakes out. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Must be her utter brilliance πŸ˜‰ – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Well…excellent on a relative scale, certainly. It’s a lot better than we
thought it would be, flavor-wise, so we were definitely surprised πŸ˜‰ Of
course, nothing beats traditional espresso extraction.

Thomas Schakow says:

Hi I have an Nespresso C91, i have tried 6 different capsules but no one of
them seems to have at taste of coffee, just hot water.. Am i doing
something wrong?

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

And you have options! πŸ™‚ – Kat

skampster says:

Well in future, if you are going to do a review on a product, stick to the
products specifications and dont inflict your opinion on how it should be
used, let them figure that out for themselves. I know that if someone
served me an excessively long arpeggio shot for the first time, id be putο»Ώ
off the product.

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@kiddy1992 Thanks for your opinion! πŸ™‚ – Kat

ollivdl says:

It’s funny to see them being surprised with the Cube’s drip tray not
wanting to lock itself to the vertical position… It took me a while too
to get it, but… When the power is on, it doesn’t lock itself vertically,
since there’s a little locking pin that’s drawn back by the power button.
When powering off the machine, the locking pin is in position, and the tray
clicks neatly to it’s locked position. Upon re-powering the machine, the
dripping tray drops down, being unlocked. Too smart!

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@pressoman I think that, for what this is, it performs well. There is a
market for every machine and you are obviously not the market for this
machine. I wouldn’t even compare these shots with something on a more
traditional espresso machine; I think they are probably closer to a
superauto in flavor/quality. It’s all subjective, no need to judge. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@marcodenice We’re hoping to test those to see how they compare — thanks
for the recommendation πŸ™‚ – Kat

henbz says:

Hi Kat, I’m one of those lazy people and I own a Nespresso Cube. I wanted
to mention the drip tray didn’t stay up because the power button (red
button) was pressed. Nice review. henbz!

JD Harding says:

I know this is an old video, but while I was deciding on buying a Nespresso
I came across Nespresso’s competitor, the CBTL (Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf)
single serve coffee machine. I really think you guys need to take a look at
this line of machines. Unlike the Nespresso, with it’s 5.5 gram capsules,
the CBTL uses 8 gram capsules for espresso, plus it brews coffee and tea
like the Keurig machines do. I’d love to see a crew review of this machine.
See if you can carry it in the store.

David Gilmour says:

Look what appeared!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice video

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@MsPinkBabie I say do it! But, then, I’m biased by my coffee addiction πŸ˜‰ –

skampster says:

You guys should not be pouring that much water through an Arpeggio Capsule.
Arpeggio is for 40 ml shots only, if you want a 140ml pour, use the Lungo

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@renix I live life on the edge, what can I say? I also don’t take very much
very seriously (a BIG no no in the coffee world btw) πŸ˜€ – Kat

manohelada says:

Hi kat, I want to buy a Technivorm for my drip coffee but I just can’t
decide on the right machine for my espresso lattes, I being thinking a lot
on the nespresso based on the good reviews all over the internet, based on
your experience what will be a great option (taste wise vs nespresso) on a
super auto around 800 dlls range. Thank in advanced for your time and
congratulations for making such great videos, greetings from Baja
California – Mexico.

stupidnamenoonecares says:

@SeattleCoffeeGear well i got it today. mixed feelings really. it came with
a heap of different blends which one of which i guess will be the same as
the one i tasted at the fair. it’s fast and clean which will shine come
time to go to work. i am a little disappointed that they have decided the
robusta is a good idea though. it would seem they think robusta is a good
way to make coffee “strong” fortunately some pods are all aribica and i’ll
try them first thing tomorrow.

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@skampster You definitely should! We have seen the Lattissima machines but
have not played with them in the store yet. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Totally agree — I think that, for what it is, it’s better than we thought
it would be!

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@manohelada I would go with an Incanto Classic on the superauto side of
things — and it will be nice for you to have free reign over the coffee
you use, versus the Nespresso capsules. But their end result/flavor will be
very similar. Let me know if you have any other questions – thanks so much
for watching! – Kat

terry81 says:

I love my Arpeggio and Livanto capsules!

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@Abaddon1594 I am so sorry to hear this! It sucks when a company you love
makes a business decision that is obviously good for them but not for
customers…perhaps they’ll see an impact to business and switch back, but
who knows? – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

We have and we can’t, unfortunately πŸ™ – Kat

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