Crew Review: La Marzocco Linea – Commercial Espresso Machine

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We’re adding the full suite of La Marzocco’s commercial espresso machines to our line up and here is our first review. Gail talks to us about features, shows…


jesse ramirez says:

Wow really cool! I’m currently espresso machine shopping….including the
pump, how much does something like that run?ο»Ώ

Joe Halas says:

Just got one of these for our new coffee van… so excited!ο»Ώ

Eamonn Doyle says:

like a boss

EddyGS3 says:

@makkakman My facebook is eddysalut, so just add me there

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@gabeslover And build that addition onto your kitchen to house it in!! πŸ™‚ –

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@alphaatube I know, impressive! πŸ™‚ – Kat

toofatforthegrave says:

Thank you again, and sorry for bothering u with all those questions.- CΓ©zar

toofatforthegrave says:

Ok. Then a Linea would be a good choice to start a small CafΓ© I guess. Once
it also has 2 boilers I think the Linea is already beyond most of the
coffee machines available on the market (as far as I know most of them have
only 1 boiler).


what is funny with espresso machines (on the video looks like motors,
mechanic …. for man) WE HAVE GIRLS TO DESCRIBE THAT lol

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@rcdrvrrc7 Hah — I love that πŸ™‚ – Kat

EddyGS3 says:

Fantastic!!! After watching so many interesting videos of SCG, I have
decided to get a GS3 (Not rocket)! I’m so excited that I will see more crew
reviews on more LM espresso machines here!!! Eddy

EddyGS3 says:

@makkakman @makkakman I’m from Taiwan.


@EddyGS3 from canada in QuΓ©bec (french canadian) and you?

etherealrhythm says:

Loving the discussion of the finer points of latte art near the end of the
video – style, era… All this time we thought Gail was just poor at latte
art… turns out she’s an expressionist!

CGLouisiana says:

Danke, Merci, Grassy’ass… Will be lookin’ for it.

toofatforthegrave says:

Thank you Kat. You helped me out a lot with all these informations. Not
even the LM distributor here in Lisbon knew to answer me about the
functions of the Mechanical Paddle. By the way, if you have a video about
the Strada, please let me know. Now you made me want to learn more about
this machine… – CΓ©zar


fuck im out to date with my rocket giotto premium plus, ill sell it :/ get
a new bike and sell my mazzer mini electronic b

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

The Strada MP is the only one that’s totally different — that also
controls pressure. The MP on the other models will be in a ‘pre-infusion’
state of about 3 bars (depending on the base line pressure) and then kick
up to the 9 bars. One of the similarities between the GB5 and the GS3 is
that they utilize Hx and dual boiler functionality — water is pulled from
the reservoir through the steam boiler in an Hx into the brew boiler,
preheating the water and increasing recovery time.

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@joeldamianicigan We took a class and Gail has been practicing for a
throwdown in a few weeks, so I think she’s getting better πŸ˜‰ Her most
consistent latte art seems to be produced on the Giotto. – Kat


@EddyGS3 i dont have facebook but if you want you can add me on msn

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

@idothedewdude Thanks for your sharing your perspective! – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

She *is* the boss πŸ˜‰ – Kat

rcdrvrrc7 says:

Actually its called the “Seattle typewriter” Kinda like the Thompson was
the “Chicago typewriter” ;P

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

The Linea pulls directly from the reservoir and so, if you’re doing a lot
of coffee, you will have some fluctuation in temperature that you don’t see
on the GB5, FB80 or GS3 because of the different water flow. – Kat

Seattle Coffee Gear says:

Me too! *rawr* that’s a fine machine. I will put it on Kat’s list now that
we feature more commercial espresso machines reviews.

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