Reworked a bit to tone down the grinder’s sound and increase the auto-froth milk temp, the Gran Dama 6620 features many of the design elements we’ve come to …
Uploaded by admin on January 27, 2014 at 9:22 pm
Reworked a bit to tone down the grinder’s sound and increase the auto-froth milk temp, the Gran Dama 6620 features many of the design elements we’ve come to …
Can it do only frothed milk?
Now… how does the crew review place it compared to the Saeco equivalent?
Speed, noise, output/build quality, perks, etc.
Everyone has different opinions on taste. I prefer the Breville DB shots
that I pull myself but if I’m running late to a meeting I use a
superautomatic. There is a time and a place for every machine! ~ sam
The Gran Dama fits squarely between the Saeco Xelsis and the Saeco
Exprelia. Check them out. With an increase in price, you get more bells and
You’ll need to look at commercial machines if you’re opening a
coffee-focused business. I wouldn’t recommend a superautomatic — they’re
very expensive when they’re commercial grade and require a TON of
maintenance. Check out our video on how much to invest in a commercial
espresso machine; that will give you guidelines on your budget. Let me know
what that is and I can give you recommendations. – Kat
170 degrees! Ouch. One lip blister comin’ right up. I was impressed with
the 159 degrees from the milk. That’s right on the money. Espresso shots
looked great. Nice caramelization. (spell check, lol) There sure a lot of
these high end one touch machines available. I can see that milk container
storing in the frig nicely for later use. Good idea. Great video as always.
: )
hey i wanna start a coffee shop which coffee/espresso machine should i
invest in i want a all in one to sever a good amount of people in a day
please help !
BUT KAT DOESNT DRINK MILK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
She takes a little sample sip now and then but you are right in general she
drinks black coffee and espresso. I should know, I make her coffee :p ~sam
Thanks for your nice video, how do you compare espresso shots from this
machine to Breville dual boiler?
Thanks! Kat is going on a well deserved vacation ~ while the Kat’s away the
mice will play 🙂 sam