Bezzera Strega Lever Espresso Machine Demonstration

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This is a demonstration of the exciting Bezzera Strega alongside a Mazzer Mini Electronic Type B. Two drinks are demonstrated, a double espresso and a cafe l…


Chris Stavro says:

I’ve found other strega videos more enlightening. Apparently, the way the
lever group head works, you can’t avoid the dripping at the end. You have
to wait until it stops before you can make another shot. He also doesn’t
mention how you can control the pressure throughout the shot; one guy calls
it the “impossible shot”. Germans seem to love the strega with the hg one

Monomtapa says:

that design! Awesome

Teresa Fazzolari says:

Annoying: As you are making the espresso I fin it annoying that you don’t
let the glass completely fill. You like torturing yourself by having to
clean the drip tray a lot. And because of that I don’t find this video

Javaneze Steven says:

i want one

Son Ton says:

do you know anything about making espresso?

Shahid Iqbal says:

MrJhomrich, I purchased a Strega this week from a UK retailer, I quality
check slip signed July 2012. The machine came with the lever shown in the
Bezzera factory demo which is on YouTube. I also received 2 portafilters
with matching handles, they look and feel awesome, very good quality.

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