Bacchi Espresso Machine

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Demonstration of Bacchi Espresso Machine at Orphan Espresso.


Stefan Sigfinnsson says:

Has anyone done a taste test between this stove machine and semi-automatic
ones say like the Rancilio Silvia or Rocket Giotto does this do as good a
shot as those more expensive machines ?

sashamanster says:

This is very cool. To primitivenetizen’s point, you may want to explain on
the video a bit that this IS a true espresso machine that delivers 9 bar
pressure in the portafilter. When I first saw this I didn’t understand it
was a piston machine and thought it was just like an Atomic (until I saw
that shot, which looks mighty tasty!)

90blacknight says:

I bet you don’t know what you’re talking about in relation to this machine.
The water never actually boils.

jamlimited3 says:

What music is that in the bg?…sounds nice. ^__^

Craig Andrews says:

Hi Doug, Great presentation! Will you post a link to this vid on your
website, or an embedded video after your excellent article on the Bacchi
Espresso Machine would top/cap that off perfectly. {;-D Cheers! Sincerely,
Craig Andrews.

primitivenetizen says:

Oh no…this IS an espresso machine and not a moka pot. OE has a breakdown
of how this works on their site, and it actually has a steam driven piston
inside that provides the pressure. It is not so different than a lever
espresso machine.

Lucio Del Piccolo says:

WOW!!! Nice work, my friends,,, I love the music too. next time slower the
moving effect 🙂

Urbino237 says:

Interesting, but this looks like a pretty complicated process to get an
espresso. I will take my La Pavoni any day, even over home machines at
triple and four times its price.

DrBones666 says:

This is NOT an espresso machine. It’s a two spout mocca pot. Looks fancy
and fun, I’ll bet it makes a decent cup of joe too. Espresso it aint though.

Robert Jason says:

I’ve now watched this artful presentation 4 times. IMO, It is your best
work, and I’m enjoying my Bacchi. Still experimenting with the “wee

kaffeind says:

Wow, such a pretty little machine. Nice extraction.

SuperDamny says:

I bet it comes way too bitter – boiling water is too hot for espresso

matt henry says:

crap that would be such an effort, i would rather get a la paving!

Robert Jason says:

Barb and Doug, Just a beautiful video, and as was mentioned, wonderful
music. Rachmaninoff meets Gershwin…sort of. My turn to mess with this
lovely toy. No vids, though, as I’m already shaky from too many Cremina
shots. Nicely done.

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