Delonghi EC220 Espresso Machine Review Part 1

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This is an in depth review of the Delonghi EC220 espresso machine with a custom made steam wand. The steam wand was custom made by a guy on a forum I’m a mem…


Rickfury OCP says:

ive just recieved this steam wand,as seen in this video and all i can say
is,with practice its awesome…….well worth the money..
Get one
Although me EC220 has started to drip water constantly from where you put
the big handle on !??

Carla Vala says:

Worst video I’ve seen. Absolutely no demonstration

Andrew Corbett says:

Thanks for the video. Very helpful. Can you let me have details of the guy
who made your steam wand please?

Sparrow79hu says:

I simply removed that stupid piece of plastic and use the steamer without
it. It works fine.

r3dm3h says:

hey, great video! I was wondering, is this model the same as ec220cd? And
does it come with 2 filters or just the one you show? And can the filter
holder hold anything else? Thanks!

h ahmed says:

Hi great videos
i’d really appreciate some advice, i have been using my machine for almost
a month but the steam wand is dripping a lot and splutters/spits so much
during milk frothing and gives me a shock (it wash not always this way) I
am going to return it as a i believe there is an error
My question is if you can show how you take off the wand and attach your
new one? thanks!

Marian Brol says:

can you tell me where to get that steam wand attatchment please? :)

David Murray says:

Hi could you please let me know where you got your steam wand ,, I would
like to purchase one. Thanks so much

Tony Shorthouse says:

Hi – many thanks for the very helpful video I would very much appreciate
knowing where I could purchase the replacement wand
Many thanks

Paul Lowe says:

hi, good work with the review, I am also interested in the steam wand,
could you reply if they are still available


Hi great video, can you tell me if your friend still makes the attachment
for the wand as I would be very interested in purchasing one. Thanks

Neil Buckner says:

I too would really appreciate the contact info for the replacement steam
wand. Great review

Steven Lowman says:

Hi just wondering if the steam wands are still available or do you know
anywhere i can get? Thanks in advance

Terry Roy says:

hi there can you tell me if the guy still makes the wand for the Delonghi
EC220 espresso machine and how much does he charge uk pounds thanks

Anastassia Navinski says:

Hi there, I just saw your video and absolutely loved it! We’ve bought the
machine recently, and I was really surprised to see you’re having different
wand on it! As you mentioned in the video – you’d kindly share the info on
how to get one of these. Can I dare to ask your advice on that? As you may
already know – the original one is not great at all! I would be soooo much
happier if you could let me know the guy who made it as I live in the
UK(ESSEX) too. Maaaaany maaaany thanx in advance. A.

stringy2009 says:

Hi, The guy who made the wand is Matt Winser. You can contact him at Just tell him Martin referred you.

John Gill says:

Can you let me have details of the guy who made your steam wand please?

Austiu7395 says:

Hey man great video could you tell me where you got the modified piece.
Please and thank you

wheezer7 says:

can you tell me where to get that steam wand attatchment please?

David Dunphy says:

Hi, Could you tell me where you got the modified steam wand for this model
please, thanks. Great video.

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